Dog Winter Survival Guide

Dog Winter Survival Guide

  • When the temperature drops don’t leave your dog outside unattended. Most pet dogs spend most of their life inside & are not used to the extreme cold. 

  • Short-coated breeds like Greyhounds, Dobermans & Chihuahuas struggle with cold temperatures so they would benefit with an additional layer when outside. 

  • If you dog starts lifting up their paws or whining while out on walks, it could be because their feet are too cold. Trim the hair around their feet to prevent ice-balls. These can form between the pads and the toes and can be extremely painful. 
  • If you walk on salted pavements, wash your dog’s paws afterwards as salt & grit can irritate their footpads. 
  • Stay away from frozen ponds or lakes and keep your dog on a lead near frozen water. 
  • Don’t be a fair weather walker – take your dog out in all weathers where possible but be careful in slippery conditions. Don’t out yourself at risk, keep the dog at home and spend time playing indoors to stop them getting bored. 
  • If your dog is less active during the winter months don’t forget to cut back a bit on their food. 
  • When walking wear bright/reflective clothing so you can be seen by motorists during the dark mornings & evenings. You can get reflective gear for dogs too. 
  • FourFriends Power Formula is designed for high active dogs in cold conditions. It is eaten extensively by  sled dogs in Sweden

Don’t forget – FourFriends offer a free delivery service on all orders over £20.00

Article by Just For Friends,

Advice, Dogs, Winter