Its Summer

Hi Readers – Well I am astonished at how many dogs are being left in cars, especially in this exceptionally hot weather Dogs can DIE in hot cars. 

Whilst it is really good that families want to take their furry friends with them on days out…….


sometimes it is better to leave them at home for a few hours, or if any longer arrange a reliable dog sitter. 

The RSPCA is issuing warnings and have given some advice if you see dogs in distress in hot temperatures. 

A previously fit & healthy five year old dog has died of heatstroke during a walk at 9am when the temperature was 21 degrees. The RSPCA have warned that walking in high temperatures can cause serious & irreversible damage and in some cases death.  

Never EVER leave you beloved pooch in a car even on a ’warm’ day & even if the windows are left open & the car is in the shade. 

If you see a dog in any kind of distress & help isn’t available call 999. If the emergency services can ‘t attend straight away, they can advise you what action to take without breaking the law. 

You can also call the RSPCA’s 24 cruelty helpline for advice on 0300 1234 999, however if the dog is on danger, calling 999 is always the first step. 


Don’t forget we can deliver your favourite  FourFriends food anywhere within the UK. Even when you are on holiday.

Here is to an enjoyable SAFE summer for all and happy holidays.

Love Bella

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Article by Just For Friends,