News & Blog

Does winter weather mean a change in my pets' diet?

As we move into the winter months one thing is certain. We are going to experience plenty of bone chilling days and plenty of wet weather. As you sit in a nice warm environment you may wonder if you need to change your pet’s diet.

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How to Introduce a New Kitten To Your Dog

Every time members of the FourFriends team attend a cat show every cat person tells us that cats are great conversationalists. That got us thinking about how to introduce a kitten into a dog family.

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You are back at work. What does your pet do now?

As furlough comes to an end in the UK what happens with your pet as we go back to work?

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How Often Should You Feed Your Pet?

This is one of the most common questions we are asked by pet owners.

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Should My Older Dog Be Eating A Senior Diet?

Trying to figure out if your older dog requires to move to a senior dog food can be a tough task. The challenge here is knowing when your dog has reached senior status.

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Why do we add Yucca Schidigera in FourFriends?

Have you ever wondered what Yucca Schidigera is when reading the composition on pet food packaging?

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How should I feed my working dog?

A dog that is under heavy physical exercise needs more energy in its food in the form of fat.

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Proper Kitten Nutrition Ensures a Healthy Start

Kittens need suitable nutrition to develop into a healthy adult cat. Its not just a matter of putting food in a bowl.

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Is Aloe Vera Dangerous to Dogs and Cats?

Is Aloe Vera Dangerous to Dogs and Cats?

Over the past weeks that is the number one question we have received.

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How do you know if your dog has a sensitive stomach?

Some dogs, like some people, have digestive systems that are easily upset or irritated.

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