According to the PDSA 1 in 3 UK dogs are overweight. This can lead to further complications such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory diseases, high blood pressure, cancers and many more.
According to the PDSA 1 in 3 UK dogs are overweight. This can lead to further complications such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory diseases, high blood pressure, cancers and many more.
Suprise, suprise. It looks like we are a nation of dog lovers. A recent survey reports 76% of the UK population are dog lovers with 26% of us cat lovers.
Research by Sainsburys Bank Money Matters into the benifits of owning a pet has revealed the following statistics –
Cats are enigmatic. Independent, aloof & entertaining. In addition to their on-of-a-kind personalities, they also have some exceptional physical features and roles to play in society.
Summer is here – (not sure for how much longer) and more of us are taking holidays with our dogs. This can be a bit of a challenge & as dogs are becoming more like family & less of ‘just a dog, travel arrangements may need tweaking slightly to accommodate you beloved companion.
When air pressure is high the weather will be tranquil. When the air pressure is low there is usually a storm brewing & the low barometric pressure has physical effects on the body.
An adult dog sleeps an average 12 to 14 hours a day, however, puppies and large breeds tend to sleep even more.
Improved nutrition and healthcare has led to dogs and cats living longer. This is supported by research from Euromonitor International.
Diet isn’t the only ‘minefield’ to navigate to keep your dog healthy. In summer there are added dangers which can affect your dog or cat.
Kate Nicholas is a professional dog trainer, author, television star and head trainer at Fort k9 Dog Training.