News & Blog

Premium & Balanced Foods Explained

Hi Readers – Bella here to give a bit of an explanation about food descriptions!!

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Feeding Myths Revealed

Hi Readers – Bella here to give the truth about strange things we are given to eat by our well meaning owners!!

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Why do dogs roll in smelly things – especially Fox Poo?

Hi Bella Otterhound here….what a question to ask a nice girl like me !!

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What is the best dog breed for you?

Well this is the 64,000 dollar question !! Everyone has an opinion about which is he ‘best’ breed and personally I think everyone should own a hound like me.

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Who Has a Naughty Puppy?

Bella here giving much needed help with your naughty puppies.

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Cat Behaviours Explained

Do you know what your cat is trying to tell you? Is it feeling playful, loving, or just showing off?

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How do cats communicate with each other?

Welcome to Mike’s Meowling’s – I am at your service to tell you all you need to know about feline attitude or cattitude as it is known in my house.

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How do dogs communicate with each other?


Well I am asked this a lot, particularly as I came from Spain & didn’t understand the lingo here in the UK.

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Bella's Blog

Hi, I am FourFriends Pet Foods roving newshound BELLA & I am taking over the blogs as the humans are getting far too busy.

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Why Do Cats Purr?

According to new studies cats don't just purr when they are happy but when they are distressed or afraid. We always thought is was when their FourFriends arrived.

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