Blog: dog

Label: Dog

Christmas and New Year Delivery Schedule

When placing your food order please make sure that you allow more time for your delivery.

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FourFriends Sponsors IPO Champion

FourFriends Sponsors IPO Champion

Gavin Buck and dog Drago qualify for All Breeds Dog Sport World Championships

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The Fussy Eater

When we speak to our customers, the most common complaint about their dog is that they are ‘fussy eaters’.

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Achieving Less Waste From Your Dog

Diet is the bricks and mortar of health. This applies to dogs as well as humans. Putting a little thought into what you feed your dog can pay big dividends with their improved health over their lifetime. However, choosing which dog food is the most beneficial isn’t always easy.

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We Only Use Sustainable Packaging

Have you ever thought about how sustainable the packaging is when you buy food for your dog?

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How To Help Reduce The Amount of Shedding in Your Dog

How to Help Reduce the Amount of Shedding


The moulting cycle of modern dogs is affected by the warmth and light of our homes, so many dogs shed continually. Good natural nutrition is the key to keep moulting under control. A super-premium diet helps improve skin and coat quality and is more effective than just giving supplements such as cod liver oil.

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Helping The Arthritic Dog

FourFriends Can Help The Arthritic Dog

Dogs are prone to arthritis as well as humans and the most common age to start suffering is 8 - 9 years old. This is one of the most common health problems seen by veterinarians.

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Can The Size Of A Dog Tell You Anything About The Owner?

Dogs and their owner’s personalities 

It is a common belief that dogs mirror their owners and you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their dog.

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Dog Winter Survival Guide

Dog Winter Survival Guide

  • When the temperature drops don’t leave your dog outside unattended. Most pet dogs spend most of their life inside & are not used to the extreme cold. 

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Advice, Dogs, Winter

Keeping Your Pets Safe at Christmas

Keeping Your Pet Safe at Christmas.

 For your pet, Christmas is a time when lots of unusual and exciting things are brought into your home. As humans are especially busy and distracted this time of year, it makes the perfect opportunity for your canine and feline companions could be tempted into all sorts of mischief !

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Advice, Dogs, Cats